Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday I'm in Love: Favorite Pins of the Week

As many of you know who have been reading my blog, I LOVE Pinterest for finding new ideas for projects, decor, and even fashion.

These are some of the pins that are inspiring me this week. I hope to try out a lot of these ideas over the next few weeks. Which ones are your favorites?

 Crafting and decorating

 Vintage-style maps                 Spray paint + Craft paper = LOVE



Paper dahlias                               Such an adorable, casual bracelet

Valentine Mantel                   Yarn and paperclip earrings

Source: Sunny Side Up


  1. Paintless dent removal is the best solution for body dings that have not damaged the paint. It repairs the damage quickly and inexpensively.

  2. People tend to treasure their cars almost as much as their home. Owning a vehicle can be a job in itself. You are forced to worry about having to maintain the vehicle, by having basic under the hood repairs done, and you are also forced to worry about the aesthetic appeal of the vehicle as well. When it comes to working on the outer surface of your vehicle, there are two different options that a driver has. You can choose to have a paintless dent removal service performed on your vehicle to fix its outer layer imperfections, or you have the option of having traditional body shop work done. Auto Merch Mart


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