Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ring in the New Year: Cleaning and Organization Challenge

There's something about early January that I find refreshing. It is full of promise--resolutions are not yet broken. Holiday decorations are packed away, and a new year is stretched before you.

This year, I want to get serious about cleaning and organization. I decided to put together a calendar of cleaning and organization items to tackle in January. I didn't include routine cleaning items that I already do, like washing the dishes, cleaning the bathrooms and sweeping the floors on this calendar.  My list is focused on cleaning and organization projects that I never seem to get to. By tackling one or two items per day, I'm hoping to get through each item on this calendar in January.

Let's do this together! I created the Cleaning and Organization Challenge so we can all work together to get organized this year. Click here or click on the calendar to download the JPEG from Google Drive (you can also zoom in on Google Drive).

Here are the rules!
1. Refer to the calendar that I've attached to this post. Feel free to substitute items if one or more of the items don't make sense for your home.

2. Work ahead (or behind) as needed. The main goal is to finish all items by the end of each week and the entire calendar by the end of the month. 

3. Go to the Missy Inspired Facebook page and click "Like." Join in on the post on 1/30 to sign up for the Cleaning and Organization Challenge. Post your progress every few days.

4. Keep up with your regular cleaning. I didn't include standard cleaning items on this calendar because I wanted to focus on the items that I never seem to complete. Here is my typical schedule:

- Load and run dishwasher
- Clean and wipe down counters
- Clean and wipe down dining-room table
- Take out the trash
- Make the beds (mornings)

- Sweep the floors
- Mop the floors, if needed

Twice monthly:
- Clean the bathrooms
- Vacuum
- Change bed sheets


  1. I SO need something like this. MIL got us a "family" calendar so I think I'm going to have to stick this sort of stuff on. We suck at cleaning and organizing. Thanks!

  2. Glad to hear you think it will be helpful!

  3. Do you have an updated copy of the calendar that follows the 2015 day-of-the-week? I just know I'm going to trip myself up; it always happens. LOL (I'll transcribe to a different calendar in not. No worries, just curious).

  4. I also think it will be very helpful!!! Thanks so much!

  5. But it's only one month? I thought it would be the whole calendar, or do we have to keep checking back?

  6. This aught of he fun :) joining a little late but ready to catch up :P

  7. Please follow this link to get the spring calendar. It goes from March 20 to June 20.


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